This is not Charley but similar. |
John Tankersley (center) |
Farm animals in the city were common back then and my Granddaddy, John Tankersley, had two chicken houses with a bunch of hens. He would buy his chicks by the hundred from some place in Texas and have them shipped in on the railroad. I was able to go down with him to the railroad freight place to pick them up one time. I was also able to go with him one time to borrow a mule, plow, and wagon to plow his garden and I got to ride back with him on the wagon pulled by the mule. Yes, right there on Bankhead highway with all the cars zipping by us. Granddaddy was an old timer with the phone company and he started out driving mule drawn wagons carrying poles and he had plowed with mules as a boy.
You hear kids now say that they are bored. I don't ever remember being bored or hearing any other kid say they were bored back then. There was always something that we thought was fun or interesting to do.
We played with cap guns and if we didn't have any guns or caps we could always point a finger and yell "BANG, BANG, You're dead". We played "Army" or "Cowboys and Indians" and I'm sure that either is very politically incorrect. I don't think any of us grew up to be murderers or terrorists. We knew that it was play and not serious. The adults now are the clueless ones about this.
Which is lower on the IQ scale between idiot or moron? Moron sounds worse. WE ARE BEING RULED BY MORONS! Sorry, I digress.
We all had pea shooters that we shot at each other. There was always a cane patch around to cut the cane and china berries, dogwood berries, or even dried peas made good ammo. No, nobody ever lost an eye. How could we cut the cane you may ask. Well, every boy that I knew had a pocket knife that was carried every day. Yes, we got in fights but nobody ever tried to pull a knife. I never stabbed anyone or cut anybody's throat, at least..... not yet.
We made sling shots and flips and shot rocks, BB's or just about anything else. There were red rubber inner tubes then that were the coveted ones to cut the rubber from. The red ones were made with more real rubber and performed much better than the black ones but the black ones would do if nothing else
was available. The sling shot handle usually came from a privet bush but most any bush crotch would do. Of course, as everyone knows, the difference between a sling shot and a "Flip" is the flip handle was made from a single wooden cloths pin that we got at home.
Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson